About Me

I like to complain about stuff and try a little to fix it. If I could make a living that way, so much the better. This blog reflects my opinions and is in no way affiliated with any other companies.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Old man, new heartache

I'm a Facebook junkie. It's not a point of pride or anything. Just a fact. For someone who doesn't like to call or visit, the freshly opened doors of the technological world are a wonderful thing.

Except in one case: memory lane exploration.

Facebook and Google act as a sober take on drunk dialing as we look for the ones that got away and sometimes find them. Happy. Not utterly maimed and destroyed by the lack of your presence in their lives.

Then you have to deal with the to Friend or not to Friend issue. If you Friend that love gone awry, you're the mature adult moving on and yet maintaining healthy relationships. But then you see pix of him frolicking in the surf with his cute kids at some East Coast Beach resort. Which voyeuristically speaking is a simultaneous treat and torture.

So much for healthy post-breakup relationships.

Next time, I'm going the not to Friend route.

Unless he still looks cute.

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